Valter Pallaoro
Stanislao Basileo
Marco Lattuada
Franco Polo
Giacomo Bozzolino
Angela Zagheno
Nadia Re Fraschini
Giuliano Zappi
Maurizio Pol
Paolo Taranto
Jean-Luc Viart
Alex Baldetti
Pierre Sztajnkrycer
Michele Cloch
Claudio Ceresi
Matteo Riccardo Di Nicola
Mauro Zen
Sonia Acierno
  • Italiano
  • Français
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  • Deutsch

International Photo Contest



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Capture the emotions
that nature gives you


in the three Italian National Parks of Stelvio,

Gran Paradiso and Abruzzo Lazio and Molise

and in the French National Park de la Vanoise

Deadline: 30th November 2023




Sabato prossimo (9 marzo), alle ore 10:30, si terrà la premiazione della 17^ edizione di “Fotografare il Parco”.
La premiazione, organizzata in collaborazione con Regione Lombardia, si svolgerà presso l’Auditorium “Testori” di Palazzo Lombardia (Piazza Città di Lombardia1, Milano).
L’ingresso è libero.

Great participation...


…at the 17th edition of the contest. Once again, this year, many photographers sent in their shots by 30 November.

The jury, which is called to make a tough decision, will meet by the end of January/beginning of February 2024. 

The deadline is near!


Only 10 days remain to submit your photos to the competition.

Take part in one of the most popular competitions in the world of nature photography!